Make a Donation
Some groups support us with a monthly collection of basic needs items, others create gift bags for residents. ALL is deeply valued. We want your support of us to bring you blessing, too. Let us know the goals you are working toward, and we can partner together to bless all.
Volunteer Opportunities
Sharing your life with our residents will bring blessings and rewards you can hardly imagine. God made us to grow together.
The volunteer program at the Center of Hope aims to nurture the spiritual lives of residents and volunteers alike.
The Center provides an orientation for new volunteers as well as on-going training. We believe every life is holy ground that God treasures. Here's an overview of our training!
Schedule time to discuss how God might like to touch your life and use your life at the Center of Hope. Call 803-581-5890 to set up an appointment.

For even the Son of Man came not to be served
but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.
Mark 10:45.
Mark 10:45
The donations you make to the Thrift Store provide for the basic expenses of the Center: utilities, medical co-pays, and staffing. We are so thankful!
Perhaps you have a group that would like to organize a gift shower or even a fundraiser for the shelter or the residents.
A few ideas are given here, but feel free to call and share your own ideas.
We love to have people become involved in the ministry at the Center of Hope.

Mental wellness is a key part of independent living. Both staff and residents invest in gaining skills and strengths in the area of mental wellness – and welcome the community to join us in our pursuit. Join us for our current skill-building Bible Study:
Instruments in the Hands of the Redeemer
Alternate Mondays from 4:30-5:30 PM
The American Association of Christian Counselors has a wonderful FREE resource we recommend as a starting point.
The Body of Christ can make a major difference in our world - it is our calling!