
The Chester Mission Station of Christ Central Ministries includes our Thrift Store and the Center of Hope. The Thrift Store provides operational funds for our 9-month transitional housing program. The Center provides a safe place for residents to heal and find hope that strengthens them to return to independent living. Addiction recovery, spiritual growth, financial fitness, relational health and overall wellness are all part of the program. We invite the community to join with us in mental wellness workshops and other learning opportunities. Our volunteers and residents learn and grow together as we rejoice in the God of Hope who gives life, peace, and joy. Would you like to join us in spreading hope -- the treasured gift of your time is always appreciated as are financial donations.

Exciting News:  Thank you Lutz Foundation
Hope Leads to Transformation! – Center Of Hope.
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Our Spiritual Focus for February is Living in the Love of God - as a child of God.

Do you ever wonder how even as a ‘child of God,’ you can feel lost or even hopeless? It’s more common than we like to think. The statistics show little difference between Christians and the lost in the areas of life we would expect to see benefit – personal joy, healthy relationships, overall wellness. Change is hard, and it takes courage. 

Before we accept Christ as our Savior, we are disconnected from the source of love. When we welcome Christ into our lives, we begin a process of transformation that does not end in this life. But even as believers, suffering is part of every life. The Good New is that we are those with hope that strengthens and powers us forward. Knowing what it means to be a child of God—truly living out of that identify is a game changer.

Our ladies of Hope inspire me because they embrace that challenge so faithfully.

Send us a note, and join us as we dig deeper into the inheritance Jesus has given!